Cataract Surgery
Over the past 20 years we have performed over 30,000 cataract operations. Cataract surgery has evolved and now cataract operations can be done safely, even in complicated and unusual circumstances. New intraocular lenses improve the visual outcomes for our patients and we have a history of considered adoption of new innovations. We wish to provide the best care to our patients, which is tailored to them and has evidence of effectiveness. In short, we offer our patients what we would have ourselves
Glaucoma management
We have four glaucoma fellowship trained ophthalmologists (A/Pr Coote and Dr Ang), and we can provide patients with all methods available for medical, surgical and laser treatment. All four doctors are involved in research and have appointments at the Glaucoma Clinic at the Eye and Ear Hospital. All forms of surgical glaucoma management are available, including minimal invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS - such as the iStent, Hydrus and Cypass), trabeculectomy, revision trabeculectomy, Glaucoma Drainage Device implantation, combined cataract and glaucoma procedures, Non-Penetrating Glaucoma Surgery, Deep Sclerectomy, viscocanalostomy and canaloplasty. In addition we also perform cylcodiode laser including direct visualisation endo-cyclodiode laser.
We have been involved in numerous early phase Glaucoma clinical trials, including that for Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (NHMRC), implantable Bimatoprost implants (Allergan), The XEN implant (Allergan), Electrophysiology in glaucomatous optic neuropathy (PhNR - NHMRC), Low Tension Glaucoma and Drusen Study (NHMRC), Hyperspectral imaging and glaucoma (CERA), along with many others.
Revision Glaucoma Surgery
All forms of glaucoma surgery can fail or produce problems. Obviously we prefer it does not but we acknowledge that glaucoma surgery is inherently less predictable than other forms of eye surgery, such as cataract surgery. We have particular skills in repairing and recovering failed or poorly functioning glaucoma operations. Assoc Prof Michael Coote has published and taught on revision glaucoma surgery techniques, which he is known as a world expert.
Uveitis (ocular inflammation)
Associate Professor Ehud Zamir is a world recognised Ocular Inflammation Expert. He is Ophthalmologist (Dr Zamir) and have the capacity for investigation, medical and surgical management on site. Dr Zamir has an impressive history of management of complicated uveitis in adults and in children, and works at both the Centre for Eye Research Australia as well as the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital in the Ocular Immunology and Uveitis clinic. Uveitis is often a very long-term disease: intelligent and diligent management improves the outcome over the life of the patient and often requires a multidisciplinary approach.
Refractive and Corneal Surgery
Refractive surgery can be performed on the cornea, with a secondary lens insertion or with a lens replacement (cataract surgery). Choosing the correct option for you is taken seriously and without the commercial aspect that frequently accompanies these assessments. Dr Elsie Chan is fellowship trained Corneal specialist who is trained in corneal surgery including the latest endothelial transplants and partial thickness grafts.
Trauma and complicated eye conditions
Trauma to the eye can be devastating, affecting many parts of the eye. It can lead to long lasting and unpleasant problems for the patient. Careful planning and the use of unusual surgical techniques such as iris suture, artificial iris insertion, IOL suture and cyclodialysis cleft closure can be useful in trauma recovery. A/Prof Coote has a long history of ocular trauma and surgical repair and recovery from eye injury.
Interaction between uveitis and glaucoma is common and managing failed glaucoma or cataract surgery is a particular interest.
Melbourne Eye Specialists has the same level of equipment and expertise as the best practices in the world. You can be comfortable that your cataract, glaucoma, uveitis and refractive surgery problems will be managed using equipment and techniques that are the same, or better, than the best centres in the world.
Eye Research
Melbourne Eye Specialists has a strong academic association both with the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital and the Centre for Eye Research Australia. We regularly perform clinical research in medication, investigation and surgery, and may ask patients if they would like to be involved. It is, of course, voluntary and all patients who are involved will receive the same standard of care and retain an attachment to their primary clinician.
We continue to update our equipment - Melbourne Eye Specialists is fully equipped with scanning and imaging devices. In addition we have a range of equipment designed for children and the infirm – including hand held slit lamps, portable tonometers and auto-refractors.
As you may expect, we are very careful to measure eye pressure accurately. Mostly this is performed with calibrated Goldmann application tonometers. We use Icare tonometers which do not require anaesthetic drops, and PASCAL dynamic contour tonometry when required (useful with distorted corneas or with previous refractive surgery on the cornea – such as excimer laser). We also have an iCare tonometer for home use we can train who are keen and have an interest in self-testing.
Our practice is regularly involved in clinical trials and our orthoptists are accredited and their skills audited.
We have three lasers including an argon, YAG and selective laser trabeculoplasty for glaucoma treatment. – On site minor procedures room so that some procedures can be performed on site. We have onsite electroretinography, but if we can't do the test then we can access this through the Eye and Ear Hospital across the road.